Easy linked server setup for a one hop query.
PC (A) to SERVER (B) will
PC (A) client tools to SERVER (B) and four-part queries from
SERVER (B) connection to SERVER (C) will not work without some kind of
See "How to set up a Kerberos Authentication Scenario with SQL Server Linked Servers" and this "Allow a computer to be trusted for delegation for specific services"
-- Add a linked server EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'SQLDEV', @srvproduct = N'SQL Server' GO -- And some options exec sp_serveroption @server = N'SQLDEV', @optname = N'data access', @optvalue = N'true' exec sp_serveroption N'SQLDEV', N'collation compatible', N'true' GO EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname = 'SQLDEV' ,@useself = 'TRUE' -- ,@locallogin = 'sa' -- this doesn't seem to be required. GO EXEC sp_helpserver 'SQLDEV' EXEC sp_helplinkedsrvlogin 'SQLDEV' GO -- This query will work from one hop. e.g. If you are querying directly from one local server to another. -- You can't do this by Query Analyser on PC A, logging into server B, and running the 4 part query agains -- Server C. select * from sqldev.master.dbo.sysservers GO -- Some options -- exec sp_serveroption N'SQLDEV', N'query timeout', 0 -- exec sp_serveroption N'SQLDEV', N'collation name', N'null' -- exec sp_serveroption N'SQLDEV', N'use remote collation', N'true' -- exec sp_serveroption N'SQLDEV', N'rpc', N'true' -- exec sp_serveroption N'SQLDEV', N'rpc out', N'true' -- exec sp_serveroption N'SQLDEV', N'data access', N'true' -- exec sp_serveroption N'SQLDEV', N'collation compatible', N'true' -- exec sp_helplinkedsrvlogin N'SQLDEV' -- exec sp_addlinkedserver N'SQLDEV' -- Clean up our test -- Exec Sp_dropserver 'SQLDEV', droplogins