# List profiles in USE $PROFILE | get-member -MemberType noteproperty| %{ $ProfileName = $_.Name; $ProfilePath = ($_.Definition).Split('=')[1] if (test-path $ProfilePath) { write-host "$ProfileName `t$ProfilePath" } }
PowerShell: What files changed for DaysAgo?
Pass in multiple paths.
Create a variable for Owner, using Get-Acl.
Output to GridView so we can review all columns.
$PathList = @('\\Shared\1','\\Shared\2', '\\Shared\3') $DaysAgo = 2 $Owner = @{ Name = 'File Owner' Expression = { (Get-Acl $_.FullName).Owner } } Get-ChildItem -Path $PathList -Recurse -Filter '*.sql' | ? { $_.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$DaysAgo) } | sort LastWriteTime | Select LastWriteTime, $Owner, Name, Directory | Out-GridView
PowerShell: Who RDP’d into our Servers and didn’t log out
Who used remote desktop to log into our servers but didn’t log out?
########## # Remote desktop users - who is RDPed into SQL Servers? $AllComputersList |%{ $ComputerName = $_ ; # $ComputerName = 'SQLPROD' write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan $ComputerName #(qwinsta /SERVER:$ComputerName) $RDPUser = (quser /SERVER:$ComputerName 2>$null ) # Don't show us any DOS errors. if (!$RDPUser) { return # continue } $RDPUser }
Useful tip in this script is how to redirect output. Here we redirect to NUL like this
PowerShell: Get last reboot times for all servers.
# Last Boot Times for all servers, rebooted. Bounced. # $Report = @() foreach ($machine in $SQLInstanceDev) { # Change SQL Instances to ComputerNames. $Computer = $machine.Split('\')[0] $object = Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName $Computer $Report += [pscustomobject] @{ Computer = $object.PSComputerName LastBootUpTime = $object.ConverttoDateTime($object.lastbootuptime) DayOfWeek = ($object.ConverttoDateTime($object.lastbootuptime)).DayOfWeek DaysAgo = (NEW-TIMESPAN –Start (Get-Date) –End ($object.ConverttoDateTime($object.lastbootuptime))).Days } } $Report |Sort-Object LastBootUpTime
PowerShell: Who is logged onto SQL Servers via RDP?
# Remote desktop users - who is RDPed into SQL Servers? $AllComputersList |%{ $ComputerName = $_ ; write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan $ComputerName #(qwinsta /SERVER:$ComputerName) $RDPUser = (quser /SERVER:$ComputerName 2>$null ) # Don't show us any DOS errors. if (!$RDPUser) { return # continue } $RDPUser }
Copy Files and SubDirectories and keep folder structure
Copies a set of files recursively and recreates subfolders and files in another location.
# Copy XML files from subfolders to another drive and create subfolders. $SourcePath = 'G:\Prod\' $TargetPath = 'E:\SQLScripts\' $FileFilter = '*.xml' Get-ChildItem $SourcePath -filter $FileFilter -recurse | ForEach-Object { $targetFile = $TargetPath + $_.FullName.SubString($SourcePath.Length); $DestFolder = Split-Path $targetFile if (-not (Test-Path $DestFolder)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $DestFolder #-WhatIf } Copy-Item $_.FullName -destination $targetFile #-WhatIf }
PowerShell: Add ActiveDirectory module
Here’s the fastest way. Worked on Windows 2012 server.
Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell
PowerShell: Order of command precedence
Here is the order of command precedence that is used by the command discovery process in Windows PowerShell:
· Alias: All Windows PowerShell aliases in the current session
· Filter/Function: All Windows PowerShell functions
· Cmdlet: The cmdlets in the current session (“Cmdlet” is the default)
· ExternalScript: All .ps1 files in the paths that are listed in the Path environment variable ($env:PATH)
· Application: All non-Windows-PowerShell files in paths that are listed in the Path environment variable
· Script: Script blocks in the current session
PowerShell: Convert UTF-8 file to ASCII stripping NULs
I have a file which is UTF-8 encoded and has a NUL between each character. The file was created using the SSIS log file output.
Using PowerShell we can get the content, remove the NUL, output in a readable file format.
$c = (Get-Content $Path -Encoding UTF8) $c -replace "`0", "" |Out-File -LiteralPath $OutFile -Encoding ASCII explorer $OutFile
PowerShell: Function Get-LastUpdates shows most recent Windows updates
Function Get-LastUpdates { Param( [parameter(Position=0, Mandatory = $false)] [Int32] $DaysAgo = 0, [parameter(Position=1, Mandatory = $false)] [Int32] $LastNum ) Process { $Session = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.Session" $Searcher = $Session.CreateUpdateSearcher() if ($LastNum) { $historyCount = $LastNum } else { $historyCount = $Searcher.GetTotalHistoryCount() } # Limit the returned rows by $historyCount $HistItems = $Searcher.QueryHistory(0, $historyCount) #$HistItems | ?{$_.Title -ne $null} |sort Date | Select-Object Date, Title, @{n="desc"; e={$_.Description.substring(0,10)}}, @{name="Operation"; expression={switch($_.operation){ 1 {"Installation"}; 2 {"Uninstallation"}; 3 {"Other"}}}} #$HistItems |select -First 1 if ($DaysAgo -eq 0) { $HistItems | ?{$_.Title -ne $null} |sort Date | Select-Object Date, Title } else { $HistItems | ?{$_.Title -ne $null} | ?{$_.Date -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$DaysAgo) } |sort Date | Select-Object Date, Title } # https://itbeco.wordpress.com/microsoft/powershell/ #Select-Object Date, @{expression={$COMPUTERNAME};Label="Host"}, @{name="Operation"; expression={switch($_.operation){1 {"Installation"}; 2 {"Uninstallation"}; 3 {"Other"}}}}, @{name="Status"; expression={switch($_.resultcode){1 {"In Progress"}; 2 {"Succeeded"}; 3 {"Succeeded With Errors"};4 {"Failed"}; 5 {"Aborted"}}}},@{name="Title";expression={[regex]::Match($_.Title,'(KB[0-9]{6,7})').Value}} } }
And to run from DOS
@ECHO OFF if {%1}=={} ( @ECHO USAGE @ECHO GetLastUpdates DaysAgo @ECHO. GOTO :FINISHED ) Powershell -noprofile -command "&{ . E:\MSSQL\PS\adhoc\Get-LastUpdates.ps1; Get-LastUpdates -DaysAgo %1 } :FINISHED