Automatically add a schedule to a SQL Agent job. This example adds one that will run two hours from now, once. Left to do: what if no longer today?
More tokens.
DECLARE @vcSchedule VARCHAR(128),
@nJOBID uniqueidentifier,
@nHours INT
SELECT @vcSchedule = 'Reschedule',
@nJOBID = CONVERT(uniqueidentifier, [JOBID]),
@nDATE = [DATE],
@nTIME = [TIME],
@nHours = '020000' + @nTIME
--SELECT @nJOBID, @nDATE, @nTIME, @nHours
IF EXISTS (SELECT [name] FROM [msdb].[dbo].[sysjobschedules] WHERE job_id = @nJOBID AND name= @vcSchedule)
EXEC msdb..sp_delete_jobschedule @job_id=@nJOBID, @name=@vcSchedule
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobschedule
@job_id = @nJOBID,
@name = @vcSchedule, @enabled = 1,
@freq_type = 1,
@active_start_date = @nDATE,
@active_start_time = @nHours,
@freq_interval = 1, --once
@freq_subday_type = 1, --At the specified time
@freq_subday_interval = 1,
@freq_relative_interval = 0,
@freq_recurrence_factor = 0,
@active_end_date = 99991231,
@active_end_time = 235959