This sums it up.
But beware of the 4GB bug, which isn’t fixed until SQL Server 2012.
How to size a logfile in increments.
If you are seeing Context Switches/sec higher than 5000 per physical processor you should strongly consider turning off hyper-threading on your system and retesting performance.
– Minimize Impact
Use Hallengren system.
On a SAN, don’t worry about “OS Average Disk Queue Length Per Disk”. Explained.
What counters in Windows Performance Monitor show the physical disk latency? “Physical disk performance object -> Avg. Disk sec/Read counter” - Shows the average read latency. “Physical disk performance object -> Avg. Disk sec/Write counter” - Shows the average write latency. “Physical disk performance object -> Avg. Disk sec/Transfer counter” - Shows the combined averages for both read and writes. The “_Total” instance is an average of the latencies for all physical disks in the computer. Each other instance represents an individual Physical Disk.
Within SQL:
/* Quickly see where the read and write hot spots are and then drill into a database to see what’s going on, and if nothing out of the ordinary, ask the SAN admin to move those hot spot files to dedicated and/or faster storage. Filter on read or write latencies and it joins with sys.master_files to get database names and file paths. */ SELECT --virtual file latency [WriteLatency] = CASE WHEN [num_of_writes] = 0 THEN 0 ELSE ([io_stall_write_ms] / [num_of_writes]) END, [ReadLatency] = CASE WHEN [num_of_reads] = 0 THEN 0 ELSE ([io_stall_read_ms] / [num_of_reads]) END, [Latency] = CASE WHEN ([num_of_reads] = 0 AND [num_of_writes] = 0 ) THEN 0 ELSE ([io_stall] / ([num_of_reads] + [num_of_writes])) END, --avg bytes per IOP [AvgBPerRead] = CASE WHEN [num_of_reads] = 0 THEN 0 ELSE ([num_of_bytes_read] / [num_of_reads]) END, [AvgBPerWrite] = CASE WHEN [io_stall_write_ms] = 0 THEN 0 ELSE ([num_of_bytes_written] / [num_of_writes]) END, [AvgBPerTransfer] = CASE WHEN ([num_of_reads] = 0 AND [num_of_writes] = 0 ) THEN 0 ELSE (([num_of_bytes_read] + [num_of_bytes_written]) / ([num_of_reads] + [num_of_writes])) END, LEFT([mf].[physical_name], 2) AS [Drive], DB_NAME([vfs].[database_id]) AS [DB], --[vfs].*, [mf].[physical_name] FROM sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats(NULL, NULL) AS [vfs] JOIN sys.master_files AS [mf] ON [vfs].[database_id] = [mf].[database_id] AND [vfs].[file_id] = [mf].[file_id] -- WHERE [vfs].[file_id] = 2 -- log files -- ORDER BY [Latency] DESC -- ORDER BY [ReadLatency] DESC ORDER BY [WriteLatency] DESC; GO