Report on SQLAgent role members

Just remove the filter to see everyone.

;WITH    [RoleMembers]([member_principal_id], [role_principal_id])
          AS (
              SELECT    [rm1].[member_principal_id],
              FROM      [msdb].[sys].[database_role_members] [rm1] (NOLOCK)
              UNION ALL
              SELECT    [d].[member_principal_id],
              FROM      [msdb].[sys].[database_role_members] [rm] (NOLOCK)
              INNER JOIN [RoleMembers] AS [d]
              ON        [rm].[member_principal_id] = [d].[role_principal_id]
            [rp].[name] AS [database_role],
            [mp].[name] AS [database_user],
    FROM    [RoleMembers] [drm]
    JOIN    [msdb].[sys].[database_principals] [rp]
    ON      ([drm].[role_principal_id] = [rp].[principal_id])
    JOIN    [msdb].[sys].[database_principals] [mp]
    ON      ([drm].[member_principal_id] = [mp].[principal_id])
    WHERE   [rp].[name] LIKE 'SQLAgent%'
            AND [mp].[name] NOT LIKE '##%'
    ORDER BY [rp].[name]

This should produce output similar to this:


database_role	database_user	type
SQLAgentOperatorRole	PolicyAdministratorRole	R
SQLAgentReaderRole	PolicyAdministratorRole	R
SQLAgentReaderRole	SQLAgentOperatorRole	R
SQLAgentUserRole	dc_admin	R
SQLAgentUserRole	dc_operator	R
SQLAgentUserRole	MS_DataCollectorInternalUser	S
SQLAgentUserRole	PolicyAdministratorRole	R
SQLAgentUserRole	SQLAgentOperatorRole	R
SQLAgentUserRole	SQLAgentReaderRole	R

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