After getting the following error:
The error information returned by PowerShell is: ‘Access is denied.
- The account you are running as needs to be added to:
- Distributed COM Users
- Performance Monitor Users
- WMI Control Properties\Security\
- Click Security button
- Add MYSRVNAM\Performance Monitor Users
- Enable Account;
- Remote Enable
- Add MYSRVNAM\Performance Monitor Users
- Click Security button
This allows me to run the following as the user.
Get-WmiObject Win32_logicaldisk -ComputerName MYSRVNAM |? {$_.DeviceID -eq "E:" -or $_.DeviceID -eq "F:" -or $_.DeviceID -eq "G:" -or $_.DeviceID -eq "H:" } ` | Format-Table SystemName, DeviceID, MediaType, ` @{Name="Size(GB)";Expression={[decimal]("{0:N0}" -f($_.size/1gb))}}, ` @{Name="Free Space(GB)";Expression={[decimal]("{0:N0}" -f($_.freespace/1gb))}}, ` @{Name="Free (%)";Expression={"{0,6:P0}" -f(($_.freespace/1gb) / ($_.size/1gb))}} ` -AutoSize | Out-String
Thanks to the original source!