SQL What is the second Monday of this month?

What is the second Monday of this month?

;WITH [cteDate]
 -- @first + 7 * (@nth - 1) + (7 + @dow - DATEPART(WEEKDAY, @first + 7 * (@nth - 1))) % 7 -- Get @nth @dow 2 = Monday for us. Formula from Steve Kass.
      DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, GETDATE()), 0) + 7 * (2 - 1)
      + (7 + 2 - DATEPART(WEEKDAY, DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, GETDATE()), 0) + 7 * (2 - 1))) % 7 AS [SecondMonday])
    DATENAME(WEEKDAY, [cteDate].[SecondMonday]) AS SearchWeekDay,
	DATEDIFF(DAY,GETDATE(),[cteDate].[SecondMonday]) AS DaysFromNow
FROM [cteDate]

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