INSERT data from SQL table to EXCEL

'Excel 8.0;Database=E:\MSSQL\Reports\JobSchedules.xls;',
'SELECT JobName, ScheduleName, next_run_date FROM [Sheet1$]')

select JobName, ScheduleName,
from msdb..sysjobs j
join msdb..sysjobschedules s
 on j.job_id = s.job_id
where j.enabled = 1
 and s.enabled = 1

— Note:
—  Requires E:\MSSQL\Reports\JobSchedules.xls to already exist with the correct columns.

An idle CPU condition has not been defined

SQL Server 2008 Books Online
How to: Set CPU Idle Time and Duration (SQL Server Management Studio)

This topic explains how to define the CPU idle condition for your server. The CPU idle definition influences how Microsoft SQL Server Agent responds to events. For example, suppose that you define the CPU idle condition as when the average CPU usage falls below 10 percent and remains at this level for 10 minutes. Then if you have defined jobs to execute whenever the server CPU reaches an idle condition, the job will start when the CPU usage falls below 10 percent and remains at that level for 10 minutes. If this is a job that significantly impacts the performance of your server, how you define the CPU idle condition is important.

  1. In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine, and then expand that instance.

  2. Right-click SQL Server Agent, click Properties, and select the Advanced page.

  3. Under Idle CPU condition, do the following:

    • Check Define idle CPU condition.
    • Specify a percentage for the Average CPU usage falls below (across all CPUs) box. This sets the usage level that the CPU must fall below before it is considered idle.
    • Specify a number of seconds for the And remains below this level for box. This sets the duration that the minimum CPU usage must remain at before it is considered idle.



Import Blogger blogs?

Does this work?

Not yet:

2008-08-03 19:27:13,968 DEBUG [BlogExporter.Core.PostParser] Parsing blog 4855217953238557838, post 4841212145285365256: Welcome.
2008-08-03 19:27:13,984 ERROR [BlogExporter.Console.Program] Error while exporting blog
BlogExporter.Core.ExportException: Value not not found: atom:content/text()
   at BlogExporter.Core.XPathResolver.GetValue(XPathNavigator node, String xpath, String defaultValue) in H:\Development\Blog\BlogExporter\BlogExporter.Core\XPathResolver.cs:line 55
   at BlogExporter.Core.PostParser.ParsePost(XPathNavigator blogPost) in H:\Development\Blog\BlogExporter\BlogExporter.Core\PostParser.cs:line 186


“Your login attempt was not successful. Please try again.”

I had the same issue with 1.4 — I'm running multiple instances of BlogEngine.NET on XP SP3 (1.3 upgraded to 1.4 + one new install) and had this issue trying to add my first local user.

The default web.config contain the same machineKey= value for both my BlogEngine.NET instances.

In your web.config look for this:
<machineKey validationKey="D9F7287 …

Replace the default machineKey with one from this site:
I can now add new users to both site instances.
