PowerShell: What jobs are currently executing, running now?

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# What jobs are currently executing, running now? RUNNING JOBS

$ExclusionList = @('SQLEXT1')#   @() # # @() #  @() # 
$RunningJobs = Get-SQLExecutingJobs -AllServersList $AllServersList -ExclusionList $ExclusionList -ErrorAction Continue # -Verbose -WarningAction SilentlyContinue

# Summarize
$RunningJobs |Sort-Object ServerName |
    Select-Object RunDateTime, @{n="Duration   ";e={ ("{0:dd\:hh\:mm\:ss}" -f (NEW-TIMESPAN –Start $_.RunDateTime –End (GET-DATE))) }},
        ServerName, JobName,current_execution_step,last_run_date,last_run_time |
            Format-Table -autosize

SQL: Count rows for each Range of rows


For a table with INT column count rows for each Range of rows. 

Set to 10M rows...
    MIN([KeyTable].[Key]) AS [MinKey],
    MAX([KeyTable].[Key]) AS [MaxKey],
    [KeyTable].[Range] * 10000000 AS [Range10M],
    COUNT(*) AS [RangeRows]
        (([Key] - 1) / 10000000) + 1 AS [Range]
    FROM [dbo].[Detail]
) AS [KeyTable]
GROUP BY [KeyTable].[Range]
ORDER BY [KeyTable].[Range]

-- Test one.
FROM [dbo].[Detail]
BETWEEN 150000001 AND 160000000

PowerShell: Get the first files in each folder for each day

$SetFileNames = @()
$TESTFiles | 
    Sort-Object Directory, LastWriteTime, Name | 
        Group-Object -Property {Get-Date $_.LastWriteTime -Format d } |
            ForEach-Object {
                $_.Group |
                    ForEach-Object -Begin {
                        $counter = 0
                        $FirstFile = $_ 
                        # Grab the files for each folder which are the first file of each day.
                        $SetFileNames += $FirstFile.Group[0]
                    } -Process {
                        # Do work here

PowerShell: Get list of registered SQL Servers

No reason to maintain more than one list of SQL Servers when you can query SSMS’s Registered Servers.

Import-Module SQLPS -DisableNameChecking 
$SQLInstanceProd = @()
$ServerGroup = 'PRODUCTION'
$SQLPath = "SQLSERVER:\sqlregistration\Database Engine Server Group\PROD*\" 
$SQLInstanceProd += @(get-childitem $SQLPath -Recurse).Name | ?{$_ -notmatch '\d\d\d\d'} | % {
    $MyPSObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ 
            SQLInstance  = $_ 
            ServerGroup  = $ServerGroup;


Putting that logic into Get-RegisteredServers I populate the following list in my Profile.

$AllServersList = (Get-RegisteredServers).SQLInstance
$AllComputersList = $AllServersList | %{  $_.split('\')[0] }
$SQLInstanceDev = $((Get-RegisteredServers) |Where-Object {$_.ServerGroup -match 'DEV'}).SQLInstance
$SQLInstanceTest = $((Get-RegisteredServers) |Where-Object {$_.ServerGroup -match 'TEST'}).SQLInstance
$SQLInstanceProd = $((Get-RegisteredServers) |Where-Object {$_.ServerGroup -match 'PROD'}).SQLInstance

PowerShell: Get Windows Update scheduled date

Look for WU install dates for all servers.

$DayOfWeek = @{n='DayOfWeek';e={ ($_.LastRunTime).DayOfWeek }}
$Computer = @{n='Computer';e={$ComputerName}}
$TimeFromNow = @{n='HoursFromNow';e={"{0}" -f (New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-date) -End $_.NextRunTime) } }

$SQLInstanceDev + $SQLInstanceTEST + $SQLInstancePROD  | %{
    $ComputerName = $_.Split('\')[0]
    Write-Host $ComputerName
    # Actually get STATE for Windows Updates for each computer

    .\adhoc\Get-ScheduledTask.ps1 -ComputerName $ComputerName  |
        Where-Object {$_.Name -in 'ProgramDataUpdater','AUScheduledInstall' } |
            Select-Object $Computer, $TimeFromNow, Name, State, Enabled, LastRunTime, NextRunTime, ComputerName, $DayOfWeek

} | Out-GridView

PowerShell: What files changed for DaysAgo?

Pass in multiple paths.
Create a variable for Owner, using Get-Acl.
Output to GridView so we can review all columns.

$PathList = @('\\Shared\1','\\Shared\2', '\\Shared\3')
$DaysAgo = 2
$Owner = @{
  Name = 'File Owner'
  Expression = { (Get-Acl $_.FullName).Owner }
Get-ChildItem -Path $PathList  -Recurse -Filter '*.sql'  |
     ? { $_.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$DaysAgo) } |
        sort LastWriteTime |
            Select LastWriteTime,  $Owner, Name, Directory    | Out-GridView